Mogadishu(SD)-The government of Somalia has issued a report on the July 24th bombing at the Hamar Municipality headquarters that killed eight people including Mogadishu Mayor Eng Abdirahman Omar Osman Yarisow.
Government officials said the blast was carried out by a female government employee, with the assistance of another enlisted assistant and staff at the same local government center.
The suicide bomber, according to security agencies, had been using the name Basira Abdi Mohamed for some time, but her real name was “Maryan”.
The second girl was also working under the “degan” name, but her real name is “Hodan”. Hodan also lied about the school she graduated from when she was recruited.
Hodan is believed to have survived the attack and escaped to al-Shabaab-controlled areas.
Maryan sought to attend events on June 26 and July 1, both at the Presidential palace , but the investigators are not sure if the president was a target.
Officials also believe that Governor Abdirahman Omar Osman gave Maryan $ 10,000 when she told him she was going to India for a treatment, it turned out that she was lying, according to security sources.
The two girls were said not to have been searched prior to entering the governor’s office, asking to meet with him but were told he was busy on the day of the blast.
The government of Somalia’s report o the blast did not mention as Al- Shabab had claimed that the UN Representative in Somalia James Swan was the intended target.
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