Hargeisa (SD) – Hamse Omar Kujoog, said he witnessed and gave details about the torture this week by Somaliland police on journalist Hodo Garays and her mother.
Hamse confirmed that the soldiers’ assault on journalist Hodo Garays was caused by them telling her to park her car somewhere else, and her asking where should I park, adding it was an issue that could been easily resolved.
He recounted the incident on a recent Facebook post.
“She was ordered to move the vehicle, and she moved slightly away. A very young soldier followed her and ordered her to get out of the car, and they exchanged few words, and I watched as he waved his gun, as well as threaten her.” Said the witness.
The witness talked about how other soldiers joined in and attacked the girl and her mother “As soon as the conversation started he grabbed her hijab and called out to a female soldier, “Deeqa come and take her in her”. Two other soldiers arrived to try to calm the situation, but the young soldier started using force, and then Hoodo grabbed the female soldier, and cut off part of her hair.
He continued “ Another older woman came and I later realized she was her mother, she was screaming “Leave my girl alone. I am also a soldier.” Several soldiers from a restaurant opposite the base took part in the fighting, and I watched as both women’s hijab were removed.”
Hamse Omar Kujoog also said other soldiers he talked to agreed the young and inexperienced soldier made a mistake and is responsible in what happened. “The soldier is a young boy from the last batch of Mandera graduates, he has no experience, it was all his fault.” Said the unnamed soldiers.
Hamse said he initially did not want to write about the incident for fear of being arrested.
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