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Somalia: Former Presidents reject National Consultative Council outcomes

MOGADISHU (SD) -Former Presidents of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, have separately described the outcomes of the recent National Consultative Council meeting as exacerbating the country’s political tensions.

Former President Farmajo expressed concern over the absence of the Puntland State from the meeting. He stated that the Consultative Council demonstrated a lack of confidence within itself and that the presidency had made decisions against federalism and the democratization of the country.

Farmaajo strongly warned against the electoral process agreed upon at the National Consultative Council meeting. He said that this process would further divide the Somali people, pointing out that the election procedure was being diverted from the proper protocols necessary for transparent elections.

Similarly, former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed accused President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of engaging in power consolidation to pave the way for term extension and single-handedly managed elections.

Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, leader of the Himilo Qaran party, stated in a press release that inclusive elections could not take place in the country under the current circumstances. He warned the Somali President against leading the country into political turmoil.

Sharif called for political stakeholders to reach a consensus on the country’s critical issues and urged the government to cease interference in the upcoming regional state elections.

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