Dhusamareb(SD)-Troops from Ahlu Sunna who recently vacated parts of Galgaduud region have declared they’ve joined the Somali federal troops in that region.
Abdullahi Dahir Roble Adde, a senior Ahlu Sunna official, was reported to have been commanding the defected troops that joined the Somali government army in Guri-el district in Galgadud region.
The official was said to have been a key figure in the Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa operations, which has been fighting al-Shabaab and operating in Dhusamareb, Guri-el and Matabaan districts.
Reports indicate that the recent conflict between the federal troops and Ahlu Sunna militia has ceased according to commanders from both armies.
It’s not yet known the Ahlu Sunna leaderships position on the defection, and handing these key cities to over to the federal government.
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