Hargeisa(SD)-The spokes person of the President of the Republic of Somaliland Mr. Mohamud Warsame Jama has proclaimed today a success, the travel of Somaliland’s President to Hajj with an official invitation.
Also, the Saudi government has sent a chartered plane to Hargeisa to fly the President Muse Bihi Abdi and his delegation to Mecca.
This could have been seen as a success, if the Saudis were not pressuring the regular Somalilanders who wanted to attend the Hajj this year, to get official visas and commercial licenses from Mogadishu.
The livestock trade, which is the backbone of Somaliland’s economy, has recently been blocked by the Saudi government for lack of Somali trade permit, which allows traders to export from Berbera.
As per Saudi Arabia, Somaliland Hajj goers had to go through Somalia’s rules in order to attain visas, while the independent commercial aviation business of Somaliland to Hajj has been crippled by these Saudi rules.
But if we go with the Speaker of the Somaliland Presidency and say that private flights and the President’s visa are a success, or true, why didn’t President Bihi tell the media in the victory himself.
Let’s not forget, that this is not the first time a Somaliland president was sent a private plane and visa by a foreign country.
The question is, who are the people that the Saudi normally invite to perform the pilgrimage for free?
The family members and relatives of the victims who were killed in the New Zealand Mosque attack few months ago are some of the people invited this year.
A private jet from Hargeisa to Jeddah costs less than $ 50.000 dollars, according to SU-MUC, which flew the Somaliland president’s delegation to Mecca today.
The International leaders who ware also sent the same Hajj invitations, regularly preferred to pay for their flights.
The Saudi government has not yet commented on the invitation and the trip of the delegation led by the President of Somaliland. Moses Bihi abdi.
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