Hargeisa(SD)-Secretary of the Somaliland Online Media Association, has strongly condemned the ban issued by the Maroodijex Regional Court today on Hadhwanaagnews, which is still hearing a complaint by the Governor of the Central Bank of Somaliland.

The media Association released the following statement:
“Somaliland Online Media Association strongly condemns the ban order issued by the Maroodi-Jeh Regional Court September 3 ,19, we see it as deliberate violation of the Somaliland Constitution and a breach of its obligations to protect the rights of citizens and freedom of expression, as well as violate international human rights and principles including the press.
SOMA is concerned with the Court order, MGH / DDL / 1107/2019, signed by Marodi-Jeh Regional Court Chairman Abdi Qowdhan Abdi, Notified to Internet service providers, he calls on The government of Somaliland, the National Judicial Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the House of Representatives and other national agencies concerned to intervene in this Court’s decision to pursue a justice system in accordance with the country’s laws.
We are also requesting that telecommunication companies provide Internet services not to rush into implementing this order by maintaining the responsibility of protecting the rights of citizens throughout the country, and especially the relationship with the Media not to be part of the implementation of the illegal decision made against one of Somaliland’s media organizations, and we showing that the Court’s order is not a result of a due process, but is carried out by the will of a public official.
Also, we urge the Chairman of the Maroodi-Jeh Regional Court to return to the justice frame work, and to withdraw the ban order, and to respect the laws of the country and it’s Judiciary system.
Finally, the Somaliland Online Media Association warns against that the government officials to abuse journalists and media organizations, and abusing the responsibilities of the National Assembly, which is a strange thing today, and if it continues its consequences will not be appreciated. ”
The Press release from the Somaliland Online Media signed by the Secretary General of the organization Suleiman Abdi Ali (Kalshale).
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