Mogadishu (SD) – The Somali Council of Presidential Candidates has expressed concern over the federal government’s inconsistent responses to electoral irregularities, and accused Prime Minister Roble of deviating from neutrality.
“The Council is also deeply troubled by the inconsistent response of the Federal Government of Somalia to the stagnant electoral process. Initially the Government requested the African Union (AU) to intervene the crisis claiming a preference for “African Solution to African problems” with the intention circumventing the work of the international Community representatives in Halane. Following the nomination of the AU High Representative to oversee the process, the Government reneged on its original request and subsequently claimed that PM will convene a meeting on May the 20th purportedly to solve outstanding issues.” Said the opposition candidates.
The council said it was deeply concerned that Roble had deviated from neutrality.
“The Council is deeply concerned that PM Roble appears to have seemingly succumbed to outside pressures leading him away from a position of neutrality.” Said the opposition candidates.
The council called on Prime Minister Roble to do more “ The council urges PM Roble to show independence, stop unnecessary and wasteful foreign travel and immediately begin work towards a transparent agreeable to all and acceptable to the Somali people.”
The statement from the Council of Candidates comes at a time when confidence in Prime Minister Roble’s leadership is declining.
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