Jigjiga (SD) – The DDS Office of Urban Development and Construction has this morning inspected the service delivery activities of the Jigjiga branch of the electricity service company.
The inspection of the service delivery system of the company’s facilities in Jigjiga was led by the Advisor to the Urban Development and DDS Construction Sector, Mr. Ahmed Shukri, Coordinator of Federal Infrastructure, all public service facilities were inspected and met with customer complaints about the service delivery.
After the inspection, a meeting with the officials of the local electricity service company, they discussed how to solve the recurring challenges in the electricity service in general and the gaps in the projects to expand the electricity service in the area.
The meeting, which lasted for hours, also focused on complaints about the transparency of their recruitment system and urged them to respond to these complaints and give priority to local citizens.
Speaking at the meeting, local company officials said they were working to address the challenges in providing services and accelerating ongoing power expansion projects in the area, also promised to review the company’s employment complaints.
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