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Dhusamareb conference near collapse over Gedo and Farmajo scheduled to talk to parliament tomorrow

Dhusamareb (SD) – Reports from Dhusamareb town in Galmudug state indicate that the Somali Federal and Regional leaders meeting there did not agree on an election the country’s election process.

According to reports, the biggest stalemate has been over who will run Gedo’s electoral system, the federal government or Jubaland.

A statement from the Jubaland presidency informed local media that President Ahmed Madobe will soon brief the media on the latest election issues.

“The President of the Jubbaland State of Somalia, Ahmed Mohamed Islam will update the media and report on the latest Dhusamareb developments and why there no resolution on the Gedo issue, and why no formal agreement is yet reached at the Dhusamareb Electoral Consultative Conference.” posted on Jubbaland television’s Facebook page.

On the other hand, The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is returning to Mogadishu, where he will address the Federal Parliament tomorrow.

Sources with knowledge confirmed to that Somali federal lawmakers were sent a text message informing them of the meeting, which was said to be a special session requested by the Somali Federal President.

Both Farmajo and Madobe want to appoint their own committee to oversee the upcoming elections in Gedo region, the region used to be under Jubaland administration but was ousted by federal troops.

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