BELEDWEYNE (SD) – The Regional President of HirShabelle Ali Gudlawe Hussein and his deputy Yusuf Ahmed Hagar Dabaged today met with Colonel Nur Dheere, one of the rebel leaders opposing their Administration in Beledweyne.
The meeting was attended by officials from the HirShabelle administration, Colonel Nur Dheere, the Beledweyne community and Farah Abdi Waare, who are said to have facilitated the meeting between senior officials of the Hirshabelle administration and Colonel Nur Dheere.
An statement from the Hirshabelle presidency said that Colonel Nur Dheere apologized to the President for his previous comments and incidents, President Gudlawe is said to have excepted the apology.
“The president of Hirshabelle region Ali Gudlawe Hussein along with the vice president of Hirshabelle region met with Colonel Nur Dheer, MP’s, police forces, and other officials. The Colonel apologized to the President about the differences they had. The president praised their visit and initiative and accepted the apology,” a statement from the Hirshabelle presidency reported.
The Hirshabelle presidency also said in the statement that Hirshabelle had heard concerns and was ready to address any additional concerns by the civilians and rebels.
There were no immediate statements from Commander Nur Dheere on his meeting with Hirshabelle officials today, and his stance towards the Hirshabelle administration.
President Hirshabelle arrived in Beledweyne last week, held various meetings in Beledweyne with various community leaders in Beledweyne. The president is reportedly seeking to gain the full support of the people of Hiran who are deeply disappointed with the HirShabelle administration.
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