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Jubaland President signs agreement with opposition Leaders

Nairobi (SD) – The president of Jubaland regional state, Ahmed Madobe and opposition leaders Abdirashid Hidig and Abdinasir Serar signed an agreement in the capital Nairobi today.

In a joint statement issued by both parties said given the difficult circumstances the Jubbaland state is in, has forced them fully support Ahmed Madobe’s presidential election in August 2019 and announced today a formal agreement to end the long-standing dispute between the two parties.

The agreement also includes the provisions that the term of the President of Jubaland shall be in accordance with Article 70 of the Jubaland Constitution, stating that the President can run for the seat only 2 times, which means that Ahmed Madobe cannot run again, unless the constitution is changed.

Under this joint agreement, Ahmed Madobe also accepted to form a joint coalition government which will include Jubaland’s opposition, while maintaining power sharing among of all Jubaland’s communities.

The two sides later called on the federal government of Somalia, Amisom, the international community and Somalia’s allies to support the agreement reached today by the Jubbaland oppositions and the state-led by President Ahmed Mohamed Madobe.

This agreement comes amid growing tension between the federal government and Jubaland over the election of President Madobe,

Somalia ministry interior declared Jubaland election held in Kismayo null and void, claiming it to was not free and a fair election.

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