Lasanod January 21, 2023 (SD) – Officials from the Somaliland Government in Laascaanood set conditions for the upcoming conference of Sool elders in the city of Laascaanood.
A brief statement from the Interior minister stated that the conference in Laascaanood must not be detrimental to the unity of Somaliland.
The statement also issued a warning to anyone from another government not to interfere in the situation in Laascaanood.
The condition placed by Somaliland officials on the holding of the conference in Laascaanood appears to be a show of force, but it is unclear whether it will have any real impact.
On the other hand, Puntland Vice President Ahmed Karash, who also supported the clan conference in Laascaanood, has also called for the conference not to be interfered with and not to be politicized.
The clan elders from the SSC regions have been gathering in Laascaanood in recent days, which is now the center of the protest against the presence of Somaliland.
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