Hargeisa (SD) – The results of the Somaliland House of Representatives elections in Sool and Sanaag regions have been announced today in Las Anod and in Erigavo.
Out of the 12 contestants, Kulmiye won 5, Wadani won 4 and UCID won 3, and the winners are the first to represent the regions in Somaliland’s House of Representatives.
However there are complaints from some of the regions as some candidates have alleged voter fraud.
Abdirizak Khalif Ahmed and Yasin H. Mohamud Hir Faraton, both Kulmiye and Wadani candidates are former ministers, will be vying for the post of Speaker of the Somaliland House of Representatives.

On the other hand, the announced Sanaag Region results show the distribution of parliamentary seats among the three National Parties.
In the announced results of the House of Representatives in Sanaag Kulmiye won 4 seats, while Wadani received 5 seats and UCID won 3.

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