NY (SD) – The Acting US Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Richard Mills, in a recent UN speech reiterated his country’s support for Somalia’s efforts to restore peace and defeat Al-Shabaab.
Ambassador Richard Mills, in his speech talked about how the political dispute in the country has hampered the overall development of the country.
“Uncertainty over the elections has stymied the national dialogue on critical political, economic, and security reforms. The eruption of political violence on the streets of Mogadishu last week is the latest indication that, if not resolved soon, Somalia risks regressing deeper into instability.” Said the ambassador.
Adding “The United States firmly opposes the use of violence by any party. We call on President Farmaajo and Somalia’s Federal Member State leaders to act swiftly to resolve the political impasse that threatens Somalia’s future and to find agreement to allow the conduct of parliamentary and presidential elections immediately.”
In a speech to the Security Council on the situation in Somalia, US Special Representative to the United Nations Richard Mills said Washington remains focused on the fight against Al-Shabaab.
“The United States remains focused on limiting the ability of al-Shabaab to conduct attacks against civilians and is committed to partnering with Member States to utilize the 751 Somalia sanctions regime to its fullest extent. To this end, we are proud to note that today we joined with the Federal Government of Somalia in co-nominating three senior al-Shabaab leaders, Abukar Ali Adan, Maalim Ayman, and Mahad Karate, to the 751 Somalia Sanctions list. These designations demonstrate that the international community will hold accountable those who undermine Somalia’s peace, security, and stability. We welcome co-sponsorships, which would serve as an expression of the Security Council’s unity in condemning al-Shabaab and its violence.” Said the ambassador at his Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Somalia.
The ambassador’s remarks show that the United States and its allies see political stability in Somalia just as important as its fight against what it calls extremist groups.
“Consistent and united support from Somalia’s neighbors and other international partners for reform and stabilization remains imperative. It is incumbent on all of us, Madam President, to remain focused on Somalia’s stabilization and to avoid the pursuit of narrow interests that work counter to this long-term strategic goal.” the ambassador concluded.
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