
Ali Baghdadi turns Somaliland Justice system into a Kangaroo court, in a new Hadhwanaag Attack

Hargeisa (SD) – Somaliland’s central bank governor Ali Ibrahim Baghdadi has once again attacked Hadhwanaag News through the courts.

The Governor making mockery of the Somaliland justice system, was seen with a newly issued court order targeting other Hadhwanaag sites, like hadhwanaagnews.ca.

According to sources working at Somaliland’s telecommunications sector, the Governor was seen running around brandishing what seem like self typed court order demanding the ban of additional Hadhwanaag sites.

The Governor caught feelings as Hadhwanaagnews.com published a corruption piece uncovered by Abdi Shotaly, a prominent Somali investigation writer.

The corruption detailed how Ali Ibrahim the newly appointed Central Governor allegedly used public Funds to build Hotels in Hargeisa.

The latest Ali Ibrahim Baghdadi’s court order strengthens the media house’s court case against the Canadian expat in Toronto.

He is accused of targeting a Canadian media house and torturing journalist, as a Canadian citizen working abroad, he was to adhere to Canadian law.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms takes Freedom of speech and torture seriously and those accused of muzzling the press freedom can be prosecuted.

The three Hadhwanaag reporters tortured by Somaliland’s RRU Police have applied for Canadian asylum and plan to testify against Governor Baghdadi.

The Latest move by the Central Bank Governor proves how unreliable and inconsistent the Somaliland justice really is.

The Governor apparently had to face the Covis-19 pandemic in Hargeisa away from his family due to  Hadhwanaag’s court case in Toronto his home town.

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