Washington (SD) – Congressman Ilhan Omar, a US congresswoman from Minnesota, announced she Just married her American political advisor.
Ilhan posted a photo of herself and her new husband Tim Mynett on her Instagram page, confirming the reporting.
“Got married! From partners in politics to life partners, so blessed. Alhamdulillah” Omar wrote.
The Somalia born Muslim didn’t clarify whether her new husband had converted to Islam, as per her Islamic faith.
Ilhan Omar and Mynett’s relationship came to light last year after Mynett’s wife, 55-year-old Beth Mynett, filed for divorce.
Mynett’s wife applied for a divorce after she suspected her husband had a romantic relationship with Ilhan Omar.
Mynett is currently in charge of Ilhan Omar’s re-election campaign.
In October last year, Ilhan Omar demanded a separation from her former husband, Ahmed Hirsi. They have three children together. Hirsi was married in Somalia several months later.
“Our marriage relationship broke down beyond repair,” said Minnesota court papers filed at by Ilhan at the time of her divorce from Hirsi.
Ilhan said she was looking for a legal settlement that would protect the children and asked the court to allow a legal custody of the three children together.
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