Hargeisa(SD)-Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs Yasin Hajji Mohamud Hirir (Faratoon), said the Somali government is not ready for talks, while Somaliland is ready and willing to participate in the talks.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs told the Horn of Africa newspaper that the international community failed to recognize Somaliland.
“Our position is clear, we have made some points, and there are many countries that are interested in the talks countries, but so far Somalia does not seem ready to negotiate, and there are many countries that know the facts. who wants Somaliland to be independent, to get its recognition, we are working hard and to gain international recognition” said Minster Faraton.
Minister Faraton on the relationship between Somaliland and the international community said: “The world has failed to fulfill its duty to give us recognition, as we have the right to, as we are an existing nation, in the world, in spite of our situation, we are committed to that end night and day, in order to convince everyone of our independence, that we are Somaliland and Somalia, two neighboring countries, with a different order and purpose ”.
This is not the first time Somaliland Foreign Minter Mr. Faraton has spoke about the talks between Somaliland and Somalia, and how Somalia is not ready to talk.
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