
Somaliland Government unaware of impending cyclone, while mired in local politics

Hargeisa(SD)-Somaliland has not issued any warning by the United Nations dire forecast in an encroaching Cyclone.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture had issued a dire warning in the cyclone slated to hit Puntland fist then on to Somaliland this week.

“The storm is expected to affect the coastal areas of Puntland in the next 96 hours and spread inland towards Somaliland and the central areas within 24 hours,” the FAO alert reads in part. 

Puntland have been issuing warning to the coastal communities in their territories through mobile massaging.

Somaliland is yet to follow suit, it’s citizens could easily be caught up unprepared in storm mitigation efforts in the aftermath.

The Cyclone will bring high winds and torrential rains with it to some of the areas targeted.

Somaliland has less of a presence in the eastern part of the country to begin with, locals will face similar faith as Beledweyne region if the cyclone hits as hard as predicted.

Somaliland government is currently consumed by local political set backs and will be blind sided if word doesn’t get to local residence and authorities.

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