Hargeisa (SD) – The Somaliland government has rescinded its decision to close the country’s mosques,the ordinance was to take effect today, but was fiercely criticized by Somaliland’s prominent religious leaders.
Somaliland’s Minister of Religious Affairs Sheikh Khalil spoke to the media today and denied there ever was a decision to close the mosques, even though the government appointed COVID-19 Prevention and Prevention Commission of Somaliland, which he is part of, issued order to close the Mosque.
The withdrawal of the government’s decision to close the mosque comes after local clerics demanded that Kat imports from Ethiopia be stopped first.
The religious leaders were also asked not to comment on the news beforehand, as not to create a new situation that would threaten Somaliland’s mitigation control efforts of COVID-19.
Somaliland have been often criticized for not taking meaningful steps to actually prevent the spread of Coronavirus. The country confirmed 5 COVID-19 cases recently.
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