Hargeisa(SD)-Wadani Opposition Leader Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro has spoken out against the controversial new electoral committee with two contentious members.
Abdirahman Irro said they would never allow the nation to be destroyed, but that they were ready to save it, and called on his supporters to prepare for a difficult mission to save the country from President Bihi.
The opposition leader reiterated all the contrevertail leadership mistakes the president is accused of since his inauguration.
“All these events, and many more, are a bad indication of Mose Bihi’s leadership of dissatisfaction , the reprimand and the insignificant, is a clear evidence of the lack of leadership today, if we continue to do so, our existence will be in jeopardy in the long run, god forbid.” said Irro
“Brothers and sisters; if I return to the embarrassment of yesterday’s parliamentary coup, and the abduction of members of the Representatives and the prohibited approval of the National Election Commission.” continued Irro
The Wadani party proposed this: “I thank the supporters of the Wadani Party, both inside and outside the country, and to prepare for a difficult struggle to save the country from the tyranny of Mose Bihi.”
The other opposition party UCID is wishy-washy on this subject, which is why Kulmiye is able to do this.
The UCID party, who’s sole function these days is to capitalize on their pretend patriotism despite the consequence and determent to the country and it’s people.
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