ADDIS ABABA (SD) – Ethiopia’s ruling Prosperity Party has elected a new president and two deputies in Addis Ababa today.
Ethiopia’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, has been elected president of the Prosperity Party, while Aden Farah and Demeke Mekonin have been elected vice presidents.
Aden Farah has previously held various positions in the Ethiopian government, as well as in the Somali Regional State and the Dire Dawa Autonomous Region of Ethiopia.
Aden Farah will be the first Somali to hold a top position in Ethiopia’s ruling party, and is expected to heavily contribute towards the Somali regions advancement.
People in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia have hailed the election of Aden Farah as the Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party in Ethiopia.
“The Somali people in Ethiopia have today lived to see their son elected as the deputy president of the ruling Prosperity Party. Unthinkable just years back when Somalis were branded unfit to comprehend “revolutionary democracy”! Congratulations brother Adan Farah. We are at the center!” Tweeted President of Somali Region Mustafa Omer.
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