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Jubaland Police hands over murder suspects tp Puntland

KISMAYO (SD)-The Jubaland Police Force in the Lower Juba today handed over suspects to the Puntland Police Force, in the Mudug Region.

Awil Ese Hirsi and Adan Cilmi Ese, were accused of being involved in the killing of the late Abdirahman Mohamed Afrah on 29/1/2024 in the Jariban district.

The two suspects intercepted at the Kenya-Somalia border, were flown to Galkayo Airport, where they were handed over to authorities led by the Commander of the Mudug Regional Police Department.

Mahamoud Abdulhakim Yusuf, the Head of the Mudug Regional Police Department, expressed gratitude to the Jubaland police and the elders for their participation in the transfer of suspects.

He stated that they cooperate with all Somali Police Forces, and therefore, suspects will be handed over to anyone involved in crimes to ensure legal action.

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