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Local MPs and Clergy Ban Makuga in Wajir

WAJIR (SD)-Local Parliamentarians from Wajir County and local community leaders held a press conference to announce the ban on using the Khat known as Makuga, cultivated in Kenya.

The Local MPs emphasized their responsibility towards the welfare of their constituents and stressed that it was their duty to address issues impacting the community. They pointed out the significant negative impact of Makuga on the health and well-being of the people.

The ban comes after widespread discussion in Kenya about a particular type of khat sold in local markets, which led to its prohibition in three coastal counties. The counties cited the severe health consequences of this khat, including mental health issues and other illnesses, as well as an increase in criminal activities among users.

The farmers that grow this type of khat expressed strong displeasure with the ban, leading to a meeting with Kenya’s President William Ruto. President Ruto assured the farmers that Makuga is legal and that its cultivation and sale should not be impeded.

While khat is regularly exported from Kenya to Somalia, Makuga is not among the varieties sent to Somalia.

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