Jigjiga (SD) – Members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front’s Central Committee who have previously stated that they are the corrective wing of the ONLF met to day and said they’ve removed chairman Abdirahman Sheikh Madai off his duties.
The wing claiming to be an ONLF correction wing also said they have elected Rayale Hamud the group’s current deputy to be the interim leader of the ONLF.
On the other hand, Adani Hirmoge, the spokesman of the ONLF, who also spoke tonight, dismissed the news that leader Madai was fired by the central committee.
The spokesman also said that with the upcoming elections, his party is currently facing political attacks from the Somali Regional State.
The ONLF, a long-time rebel group in Ethiopia’s Somali region, later became signed a truce with the Ethiopian government and became a political party.
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