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Puntland president appoints a committee to negotiate with opposition

GAROWE (SD) – The President of the Puntland government, Said Abdullahi Deni, has for the first time appointed a committee in charge of negotiating the Puntland elections.

A statement from the Office of President Said Deni has appointed the committee, which consists of 7 cabinet members, and will represent the government in the negotiation of the disputed Puntland Elections.

The statement stated that the President appointed this committee when he saw “the need to appoint a committee for negotiation on electoral matters.”

This decision comes as tensions are heightened in Puntland as the government and the opposition disagree on the Presidential and Parliamentary elections process.

The opposition has already refused to negotiate with Deni, saying that the president Deni refused to negotiate.

The parties involved in the resolution of the electoral dispute are pressuring the conflicting parties to come together for dialogue, so that a peaceful solution can be reached.

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