Hargeisa (SD) – The Somaliland government on Wednesday gave details on Chinese ambassador to Somalia, Ambassador. Qin Jian’s projected visit to Somaliland’s capital Hargeisa.
The ambassador’s trip to Somaliland follows the relationship and the new agreement between Somaliland and Taiwan, which the Chinese government has vehemently Opposed.
Somaliland’s foreign minister, Yasin Faraton, said he welcomed the trip, adding the visit would not affect their political relationship with Taiwan.
The Somaliland foreign minister also added that it was not the first time Ambassador Qin Jian had traveled to Hargeisa and that met with Somaliland leaders before.
Faraton stressed that the ambassador has not yet made any direct contact with his office about the trip, as he had previously done on his prior travels, to Hargeisa.
The new diplomatic relationship between Somaliland and Taiwan has been widely criticized by Somalia and China, as the two administrations do not have full international recognition.
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